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#361 Jayne A Home

She is such a live wire, sweet and full of character.


A home is where my cat Daisy stays, comes and goes very frequently through the electronic chip controlled cat flap, in the front door.

She is a rescue cat with black, ginger and white markings, from the RSPCA. A few years have passed and she is still very nervous and scared of humans, especially if there are two people in the same room.

She is such a live wire, sweet and full of character. Any sudden noise her ears turn up and her head hastily moves around with worried eyes.

The worse case is when the door bell goes. She will bolt out of the house at 100mph through the small hole in the door. She does not like strangers.

She treats our dwelling as home because she always comes back, for her meals. She regularly brings me presents of mice, frogs and birds that are dead and alive.