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#359 Deborah Fletcher Age is how you feel

Photo of Deborah Fletcher
Society often sees old people as just old, but often what they are are young people in older people’s bodies.

Deborah Fletcher

I do most of the cooking at the lunch club, I also do member review and home visits, checking that everyone is OK. I do this job because I enjoy it. Meeting new people, chatting to them. When you’ve done a good job and they praise you, that’s nice; and the grumpy ones, even them, because sometimes, they can be really grumpy and no matter what you do, you can’t please them. I keep carrying on and sometimes you do break through that barrier and it’s rewarding.

Quite a lot of my working life has been taken up with older people. It’s changed how I feel about ageing. Society often sees old people as just old, but often what they are are young people in older people’s bodies. They still feel the same as they did when they were younger. I don’t even count my age any more. Age is how you feel.