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#348 Christine Home

We can help create that safe, warm feeling of home if we are asked for help or feel someone needs help, we can help point in the right direction where help may be available.


Home … what is home?

By definition it could have a number of meanings, for example:

  • The place where a person lives permanently, either alone or with others.

  • An institution for people needing professional care or support.

  • The place where a person was born.

  • A safe haven and a comfort zone.

  • A place to build memories.

And so the list goes on, but they all have a positive meaning. Sadly, this is not always the case, but as a society we can help in many ways. We can help create that safe, warm feeling of home if we are asked for help or feel someone needs help, we can help point in the right direction where help may be available.

Let’s not always presume everyone has that warm, safe place that many of us take for granted, a place we maybe leave in the morning and return to at night, a place we belong – let’s talk, listen, reach out, offer support …

I guess we could ask ourselves … do I live in a house or a home? Where would you like to live?