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#333 Christine Leeds in the 1970s was different

Photo of Christine
...life really can start again, as long as you’re prepared to get out there and look for it


It was an interesting bus ride into Leeds City Centre today – very different from the ones I made as an eager, full of optimism, eighteen year old when I first came to Leeds as a student in the 1970s.

Different bus route, different people and what a different Leeds Market – I was so excited when I first came across Leeds Market in the 1970s – wow, what a place, so much choice and incredible bargains, especially for a budget strapped student at 4.30pm on a Saturday afternoon….. the row of butchers and greengrocers would sell a carrier bag of the last goods for a token amount. Where have they all gone?

I’ve since worked in a number of environments; initially qualifying and working as a teacher but then moving into other areas of work; social services, civil service, NHS, training organisations …. to name just a few. Now I’m retired and living once again in West Yorkshire and finding that life really can start again, as long as you’re prepared to get out there and look for it. There are masses of opportunities, lots of new people and new friends to meet …. Just be prepared to make that step ….. Leeds Market might have changed but there are still lots of opportunities waiting.

I loved Leeds as an eighteen year old, it’s still a great place, lots of history and culture ….just different !