I avoided all these natural questions; whether that was from fear or confusion I don’t know.
Trevor Sugden
I was diagnosed with Liver Cancer 13th May 2022. What do you do, what do you think, how do you feel? I avoided all these natural questions; whether that was from fear or confusion I don’t know. I remember the doctor saying you’ve got a tumour on your liver and my immediate response was; what can I do to help. He replied “that’s what we like to hear - a positive reaction.” So, from then on without really considering another choice I decide to try to carry on and keep this positivity as if nothing had changed.
I was in the best place, in the hands of the best clinicians. I felt safe, I had wonderful support not only from family, friends and neighbours but everyone I met in hospital from cleaners to consultants, so all I had do was carry on. The medical team came up with a great plan and amazingly on the 31st May I had a successful surgery and the removal of my tumours and gall bladder. I recovered well and six days later I was home. Two weeks later scans revealed the operation was a success and the cancer had gone.
Unfortunately, since then my cancer returned and further surgery was not an option. Finally in October I began Radiotherapy. Throughout this time I managed to maintain a positive attitude. This was the reason I was able to write; with the help of a local Yorkshire charity called ‘The Swan Song Project’, a song called ‘Carry On’ in the hope that it would help fellow patients to realise a positive mind set does help in many ways; not only yourself but everyone involved and around you.”