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#287 Induben Patel See How Quickly My Heart Is Beating

Photo of Induben Patel
Today also I pray to God, Radha Krishna, to bestow happiness and peace upon my family and all families.

Induben Patel

I developed a desire to learn driving. So, I thought to myself how would that be possible with two young children? Money was also an issue. So, my father-in-law’s brother ended up teaching me how to drive.

I passed in the very first test. At that time, learning to drive costed a pound and a quarter per hour. I learned it for free. I had the full support of my in-laws. They kept me as their own daughter. I was very proud of that. And my husband’s aunt, I genuinely thanked and congratulated the land she was born in, and I prayed for her prosperity, always. Today, I am a prominent member of the community. I am ever-ready to participate in any community-related task. Anyways, eventually I wanted to buy a car. This is after I passed the driving test. And as per my capacity, I purchased a car for £125. After buying the car, I drove with my children to my nephew’s place. Since we had met after a long time, my nephews would not let me leave. I said that it’s getting dark, and I wouldn’t be able to figure out the way. “No, aunty, don’t leave as yet,” they kept saying. And I didn’t get to leave until 07:30, 08:00. Now it was so dark that I couldn’t see.

So, I was supposed to go to Leeds, and instead, I almost reached London. And I wasn’t able to figure out the route. And whereas my tank was filled when I had left home, now it was almost empty. I kept driving and looked for a median break to take a U-turn. I kept going back and forth because I couldn’t see much. The police figured out that I was driving weirdly. So, they began to follow me.

While following me, they overtook me, and then I overtook them. This kept happening again and again. Finally, they managed to stop me in Huddersfield. They parked their car in front of mine. And they came to me and said, “Don’t you know this is a police car, and there’s a siren and lights as well!” I replied, “I didn’t realise that it was the police. I thought it might be an ambulance.”

That’s why I overtook you, and you overtook me, so I overtook you again. Some arguments followed. Then I said, “See how quickly my heart is beating.” I placed his hand on my heart and showed him. He said, “Okay, you don’t worry.” And then I said that I don’t have money for fuel. How will I be able to fill up my tank? So, they told me not to worry. At the time, the 2.5/0.45 petrol type was cheap. They got it filled for me. Then he offered to escort me for a while and said that I could continue onwards to Leeds. I held myself together, and asked the policeman if he intended to issue points or a fine. He asked me not to worry and laughed.

Then my heart was racing, and my young children were with me. The next day after I reached home, I called the policeman because I had taken his number. He told me, “Very good, ma’am.” I don’t know much English, but this was the gist of what he told me. He was very happy. This is how I have spent my life. Today also I pray to God, Radha Krishna, to bestow happiness and peace upon my family and all families. May he keep them all healthy, and may he inspire them to always remember the name of God, support each other, and empathize with those who are struck by grief. This is my wish. I never think evil for anyone. Thank you, Jai Shri Krishna.