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#285 Saroj Patel I came to London from Kenya

I love being with people so I joined a community group as a service user.

Saroj Patel

This is my Life

I came to the UK, London from Kenya, East Africa in 1969. I got married in 1971.

Moved to Leeds in 1973 and worked in an insurance company for 28 years and then took early retirement due to health.

Being a very active person I was bored at home. I love being with people so I joined a community group as a service user. Than in 2004 I opened a Women’s Group with two other women which we run every Friday. We have 30 members. We get the funding from the council, but we work as a volunteers.

I have two kids. A boy and a girl. Both married. My son lives in Leeds and they have two kids, boy and a girl. My daughter lives in Sydney and she also got two kids, boy and a girl. I visit them every year and stay with them for 2 - 3 months.

I have a lovely husband who keeps me looking young. Two years ago it was our Golden Jubilee and this year I am going to be 75.