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#281 Anonymous Establishing Moor Allerton Elderly Care

Photo of Anonymous
...he then volunteered as an all-round volunteer, driver, painter, shopper, carer, to those who wished to use the service.


My dad is Ronald Walmsley, and he was involved in the inauguration of MAE Care, Moor Allerton Elderly Care, in 1985 with the vicar of Saint Stephen’s Church, Walter Barbour.

MAE Care was established to serve the residents of 10 amalgamated churches to offer advice and activities for the elderly in the local community. Ronald Walmsley set the office up at Saint Stephen’s Church in order that the first coordinator of MAE Care could have a base there. 

Having helped to establish this new organisation, he then volunteered as an all-round volunteer, driver, painter, shopper, carer to those who wished to use the service. At the outset he held a fundraiser concert at Allerton High school which raised £1,700 to help it get underway. He was a stalwart of MAE Care until he died very suddenly in May 1999. 

Upon his death St Stephen’s Church and Mae Care sent lovely letters of gratitude to the family for all his voluntary efforts and support over the years, describing him as “a tower of strength to our community” and “a very dear friend and a role model par excellence” which indeed he was!

Establishing Moor Allerton Elderly Care  - Anonymous


The legacy left by a father for his community