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#268 Norma Worley Husband’s Pyjamas

Photo of Norma Worley
I hadn’t thought that some of the guides would be awake and they saw me running down the field in my pyjama top! I presume I had pants on.

Norma Worley

We were camping at Summerbridge. And we were walking up to Brimham Rocks. And a cow in a field gave birth to a calf. The Guides were all absolutely amazed. We thought it was just wonderful.

And then we got back and sheep had gone into the big marquee and that had collapsed! So we had to put the marquee back up.

One morning I got up fairly early, because the sheep were driving me mad. And I slept in my husband’s pyjamas. But for some reason I’d taken the bottoms off. So I just had the top on. And wellington boots. In Guiding you had sticks in the ground and you put your wellington boots on the sticks upside down. So I grabbed the boots, chased the sheep away, and when i came back there was one curled up against the wall of the tent next door to me. And when I mentioned this to the Guider who was in the tent she said oh for a minute I thought I was curled up with my husband! I hadn’t thought that some of the guides would be awake and they saw me running down the field in my pyjama top! I presume I had pants on.


The beauty of being in a company of older performers is the kaleidoscopic range of real-life experiences that they bring to the table. These experiences cover everything from the vivid and strange world of childhood, to the unexpected late awakenings of old age. Take our newest batch of anecdotes, for example. These new stories are delightfully diverse: from the earthly, sensual joy of baking bread, to the cosmic dreams of outer space; from an unnerving encounter with a poltergeist, to the risqué glories of adult pleasure products and burlesque. Running as a rich theme throughout, is the possibility of love, and the simple wonder of human connection. As one writer tells us, in her story of funeral rites and flirting, “Amidst death, life goes on”, and indeed it does, delightfully so.