And so she came up, and I was still on my knees, in these old clothes, nose a bit runny, looking proper scruffy.
Christine Bewell
My son, at long last, got a girlfriend and I was wanting to meet her but you’ve got to mind your own business haven’t you when this happens. And so I was out in Meanwood Park gathering acorns. We were raising money for Meanwood Church of England school and someone had seen a tiny little advert saying somebody wanted these acorns for replanting oak trees that had been taken down for the First World War. You could get £1.50 for a bucket of acorns. We raised £500 one year and £750 the next. So here I am in my old clothes, without a handkerchief or anything, and suddenly I spied my son and this girlfriend coming. I sent up a quick prayer and said ‘Oh Lord, please don’t let me out my foot in it!’ And so she came up, and I was still on my knees, in these old clothes, nose a bit runny, looking proper scruffy. And my son comes along and says ‘This is Jane’ and ‘Jane, this is my mother’. So that was the first encounter I had with her. And now they’ve been married about 30 years. So I wasn’t that bad!