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#252 John Lister Shining Star

Photo of John Lister
All those years ago, We were too busy caring for others, Perhaps our feelings didn’t show,

John Lister

You never sought the limelight,

But we all know who you are,

You are up there with the best of them

Always a shining star

I often think of when we 1st met,

All those years ago,

We were too busy caring for others,

Perhaps our feelings didn’t show,

Although we went our separate ways.

In touch we always stayed

Over 20 years until we discovered,

That for each other we were made

Then a chance encounter

Many years on

Led to joy and happiness

With loneliness all gone

Things then moved very quickly

I’m sure I led the way

Although you were uncertain

We quickly named the day

Then the best years of our life for sure

Despite problems with our health

But together we still carried on

With love for each other our wealth

Things for you got slowly harder

So much you had to bear

Yet you were an inspiration

Always caring, always there

You encouraged me all the time

To do things old and new

Like Morris, singing and drumming

To name but just a few

The things we did together

Gave so much joy and pleasurer

And what memories there are now

To savour and to treasure

Now we know you are at peace

And thankfully pain free

Your legacy on this earth lives on

Is plain for all to see

Family and friends so sad you passed away

But just like me they think of you

Every moment, every day


This song was written by John with The Swan Song Project