We hired a car. I did the driving, and Margery can't drive so she did the cooking.
Barbara Wakefield
Years and years ago, my brother and I were going to emigrate to New Zealand. I had a job and everything to go to, but my youngest brother kicked up a stink. So Dad turned and said, "Right, two boys or nobody". I said "Thank you very much!"
So in 1998, I eventually went to New Zealand with my late husband. And it is a fantastic place. I've been four times. And if I could, I would go back. My youngest brother died out there. He was 80 at the beginning of April, and he died in April. But they buried him, they bury them out there within 48 hours, I couldn't go across. Now the last time I went, I left Beeston, in Leeds and I got to Auckland Airport. I cannot sleep on the plane. 36 hours I was on the plane and I saw my sister-in-law and just blubbered. I was exhausted. But it's a beautiful country. My grandson went the other month, and if he hadn't have a girlriend in Germany he'd have stayed there, he liked it that much!
One of the times, I took my friend Margery with me. Because she'd said just after my husband died, I said, right. I'm going to New Zealand. She says can I go with you Barbara?. I said "Yes. But you pay your own way." She says "well, what would the boys want for my keep out there?" So I rang them and they said, "Well, she's a friend of yours. Nothing." We hired a car. I did the driving, and Margery can't drive so she did the cooking. Between us it was a great holiday. I drove all the way around North Island, then we got a plane over to South Island. My nephew had ordered me a car and we went in this place and it was said that it was the highest place in the world. So going down, I had to stay in first and second gear. My heart was in my mouth, but once I got down my friend says to me " Barbara, you're a fantastic driver! I couldn't have done that!" It is a beautiful country.