Sadly, that lunchtime, I had a miscarriage. I was rushed away to be examined then put in a private room out of sight.
Lesley Roebuck
In the early 70’s, after having completed a two year pre–nursing course at Thomas Danby college, I was accepted at Leeds General Infirmary to train as a state registered nurse. I had a boyfriend at this time and things were becoming quite serious between us. I had begun to suspect I may be pregnant and had discussed this with him.
One particular day I had been really busy and was looking forward to having my lunch break. Sadly, that lunchtime, I had a miscarriage. I was rushed away to be examined then put in a private room out of sight. The following day I had to have an operation, as not all of the baby had come away. A few days later I was sent home.
I had to report back six weeks later to see the matron. I thought she would tell me when I could return to my nursing, but instead she sacked me because my boyfriend and I weren’t married.