He returned with his pint and set mine down first, as he was a true gentleman, but before he had even put his down, I had drank mine in one. I must have been more nervous than I thought...
I was at my friend Marie’s wedding. She was marrying a kind-hearted man called Jim.
As I stood watching everyone walk up the aisle to take their places, I felt my heart jump as I noticed a good-looking man. I turned to my friend and said “Who is that?” She whispered “Jim’s brother, Howard.” When Marie found out I liked Howard, she set us up on a blind date.
He was already there when I arrived at the pub so I walked straight toward himI had the advantage of having seen him at the wedding. He asked if I wanted a drink, and as I sat down, I replied a babysham and brandy. My family had always run pubs, and I knew all the posh women always ordered that drink, so I knew that was my drink. He returned with his pint and set mine down first, as he was a true gentleman, but before he had even put his down, I had drank mine in one. I must have been more nervous than I thought, and as he was a gentleman, he didn’t comment, put his drink down and went to the bar to buy me another. When he returned and sat down, he turned to me and said, “Take your time with this one; they’re expensive.”
We had a fantastic night. I remind him that I couldn’t have been that expensive as in 1970 we married. We ended up having two children and three grandchildren.