"I’ve got better than that at home!"
Patricia Green
I started work when I was 14, but the point was that I had to finish work at 5 o’clock, but it was the Blackout, and it meant me walking under the dark arches in Holbeck, which I hated.
But when I got to 15, I was then allowed to work while 6 o’clock, which meant I went out with all these other girls, which was lovely. So there we are, a little crowd of us, with a lady who was married to a soldier – she was 24 and I thought she was incredibly old.
And we was walking along and we got to the dark arches, and we was walking through, and suddenly there was this “Psssst! Psssst!” So we all stopped, and we turned, and there was a young man there with his trousers down, holding his penis.
So being young, we all did a little bit of a giggle. But the lady who was 24 slowly walked towards him, much to our surprise, and she walked very slowly towards him. And when she got up to the young man, she put her hand on his shoulder, and she said “Ay lad, put it away – I’ve got better than that at home!”