I’ve travelled on the number 50 bus route from Morris Lane via Burley Road to Leeds city centre for over thirty years, and I am constantly fascinated by the changes I see along the way. Sitting here, I find myself thinking of the people who live in all the houses. Are they retired now? Have they moved on? How do they manage with heavy shopping, when the route from the road to their front door is up such a steep path? It must be murder in rain and snow.
Ah! There’s the window pane with snowflakes painted on it. It’s been there for over a year, the remnants of Christmas well past. Who are they? Don’t they ever clean their windows? The shops have changed. There are no butchers, nor bakers; no hardware shops nor drapers. Now it’s all sandwich shops, cafes and take-aways. Hairdressers, barbers and beauty salons are common too, and one is a very elaborate shop front – for the Thai Massage and Therapy Centre. I wonder what goes on in there? Two pubs have gone: one is now a small Tesco and it looks very quaint; the other has been completely demolished, and there are houses and flats being built on the site. That will be something new for me to concentrate on.
Numerous high rise halls of residence have been built near Park Lane, for first year students at the two universities. I hear these are lovely – with all mod cons, to help new students settle into life away from home. In subsequent years they will have to rough it in private rents out in Headingley, Hyde Park and Harehills. On we go to West Gate, the Headrow and the Law Courts. The Courts are a strange red and cream brick building with green pillars. I had a wooden construction set like that as a child. Perhaps the architect had one, too? I wonder when someone will design a building like a pile of Lego. I can’t wait to see that. Oh, here’s my stop, must get off. Thank you driver.