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#116 Rita It’s my birthday

Photo of Rita


In May 2018 I had a birthday with a nought in it. My fellow volunteers at Leeds Playhouse Costume Hire threw me a surprise party after work. This meant that at 10pm I was catching a bus with a gift bag full of presents and a large bouquet of roses. The bus was fairly full, including two couples who were still having a great – and loud – time at the end of the night, and one of them asked “Have you won a prize?” (We were outside a bingo hall at the time). “Oh no” I said, “It’s my birthday,” and the four of them immediately sang Happy Birthday at the tops of their voices. The ringleader then realised she didn’t know my name, and when I told her, she went round all the bus and got everyone to join in (even three teenage lads on the back seat who looked as if they wanted to disappear under the seat). They rounded it off with three cheers – and I was still smiling when I got back home.