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#111 Naseem Positive things in my life


I’ve been watching the news, on the slow lifting of lockdown. It’s been exciting and hopeful. It’s like coming through a dark tunnel, and slowly seeing the light. During lockdown I have had lots of time to think – and I will use this experience to do more positive things in my life, to value what is important, and do things that really matter, most of all – keeping connected to family, friends, and my community.


From the beginning of May 2020, the UK government began easing the restrictions around lockdown, and people began cautiously opening their doors and venturing back out onto the streets and into open spaces. There was still much confusion about how safe it was to do this, with wildly differing views from both government spokespeople, the scientists – and the people themselves. In some ways, this was a more stressful time than the previous lockdown. In the following extracts, company members reflect on these changing days, with 31 days recorded, spanning May and June. Edited by Barney Bardsley