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#1065 Joyce Smith Children's Day

Joyce Smith

I was born in 1943 and moved by scum clearance to a council house in Middleton when I was five years old.

At my new school, we had to polish our desks every Friday before going home.

Every year there was a special day called ‘Children's Day’ held in Roundhay Rark, and one of the events was the Maypole Show, where every Infant School sent some children to dance. Joy of Joy I was chosen to dance and together with my boy partner and several other couples. We got to rehearse for many weeks, learning the steps round and round the maypole before the big day. I was so excited. We made patterns with a coloured ribbons and the poles looked like umbrellas.Then we unfurled it all again to stand back where we started. All the girls had to wear white dresses and shoes, so I got a new outfit and it wasn't even Whitsuntide. I felt like a Princess that day. I was six years old.