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#1045 Maria Warrior


When Covid happened that was interesting for me because I found my old self again, my younger self, during Covid. I was waiting outside my local shop, when we had to queue, it was a sunny day there was no traffic due to Lockdown and I could hear the birds singing. The skies were clear. We were so used to pollution before Covid. I was just standing there waiting in the queue - it was so calm and peaceful - and something just - I connected with the person I am, the older person I am now and it gave me an energised feeling. My younger self was always the rock of the family, the peacemaker, go getter, independent, can do person but the way life took me; I’ve had my ups and downs and kind of lost myself. So that moment was like I am strong, I am this warrior, I am this strong woman that I hear people talk about. I want to hold on to that.