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#1040 Colin Light Night

Photo of Colin


On the Tuesday I went for a walk organised by Age UK around Kirkstall Abbey. I saw some scaffolding up and thought what is that about? Is a wall falling down? But then I realised that it was for preparation for Light Night Leeds.

So on Thursday Night I went out the house about seven o'clock. A walked about 400 yards to my friend's house Liv and had some steak, tatties, and carrots and mushrooms. And then we set up to go to Kirkstall, when she said to me "Have you got your blue badge?" I said "Not with me." "Well go back and get it” so we went. We then picked up a friend son's lad up, and off we went to Kirkstall Abbey.

We watched the lights, the light show, which was all in the Abbey itself. There were a big screen set. And then the another big screen inside the what-do-you-call- it (nave) and it kept showing you starlings, you get a lot of starlings in the Abbey. And they all come flying around. And music was playing. And then there a bit where you could make lanterns and painting stuff. There were quite a few people there. It was different and I enjoyed it because it was something I don't normally do. I don't normally go out on a night. So that were an experience for a start-up.

Liv asked me if I would like to go into town with her on Friday night.

No, I'm not willing to go, there'll be too many people. No, I'm not going. And there were loads of people there. Liv sent me photos. I loved the owls.