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#1037 Leung Yip Life in Hong Kong

Leung Yip









Hong Kong was at war when I was little.

I remember I could walk and my mother carried me on her back to seek refuge. She crossed mountains and rivers to get to Hueizhou.

Later we went back to Hong Kong. It was desolate everywhere, nothing grew. One day my mother and I were heading out to search for food and water, leaving my sister a home because she was too little to walk far.

My sister kept crying ang and crying, and begged us she take her with us, she cried please take me, don’t leave me otherwise I’ll die. We didn’t take her.

When we came back she was nowhere to be found. We stayed there while others moved away, hoping we might found her. But she never came back. I reckon she was kidnapped and sold. My mother passed away when I get married.