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#1031 Man Chiu Leung The four stages

Man Chiu Leung

In our living we have four stages of life.

The first one is birth.

Everyone is born.

Then second is ageing.

Getting old. And in getting old, sickness comes. And then finally death.

These four you can’t escape

Some people are lucky

They go birth, ageing, death.

They miss sickness. They just die.

But my younger brother and my son.

They missed the ageing part. They just went birth, sickness, death.

I buried them.

I had to bury my younger brother when I was 15.

And then I buried my son when I was 35.

My wife doesn’t forgive that I didn’t grieve when my son passed away.

To me death is part of the journey we have to go through.

We can’t escape death, but we don’t have to feel sad about it.

We should celebrate their life, whatever their story, we should celebrate.