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#1024 Sonja Feeling Safe


I woke earlier than usual today. Lots to do - including meeting new members of the Performance Ensemble on Zoom. Then off to Leeds for photos. Was I surprised how busy the city was? Yes indeed - people walking, sitting, talking, eating, laughing - and youngsters viewed under a bridge - definitely up to no good!

And - on my way home, listening to the radio, the news added fuel to my disquietude.

Feeling ‘safe’ in lockdown may be coming to an end, as Boris announced today that the life we knew before Covid-19 can return. But - we shall see…

What will be will be - but we all will feel and see a difference. Social distancing will remain - where we must refrain, from being no less that one ‘plus’ metres - replacing the original two.

And those of us who have felt cocooned within our lives in lockdown, may feel concerned - about ending up marooned, in a world that will whirl around us relentlessly - again.
