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#1006 Brian A Very Good Year Was 1942

Photo of Brian


A very good year was 1942

April of that year was very good too

In the middle of Hitler’s war and strife

A little lad, me, came into life.

My earliest memory, I were about three

Sitting there on my mum’s knee

A soldier’s head popped round room door

Who’s this I thought, not seen him afore

Mum said to me, her little laddie

This soldier boy is your own daddy

I wondered what a daddy could be

I’d never seen one before you see.

But I soon got to love my dad

And mum did too, for which I’m glad

I knew they really loved each other

‘Cos next year I’d a little brother.

We lived upon a new estate

East Leeds it was and life was great

We’d woods real close where we could play

And trips up Temps could last all day.

My childhood up there in East Leeds

Was really great I do believe

Growing up there with all my mates

Couldn’t be faulted, aye, life were great.


A poem reflecting on Brian's early life growing up in East Leeds.